20 May, 2024

Portuguese Navy Day in Aveiro


As part of the celebrations for the 526th anniversary of Vasco da Gama's arrival in India on May 20, 1498, the Portuguese Navy invited NEW SPACE PORTUGAL to join the festivities and present the work of this ambitious consortium, which aims to transform Portugal into a spacefaring nation.

Alongside the Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Henrique Gouveia e Melo, we had the opportunity to present the project to the Minister of Defense, Nuno Melo, and the Mayor of Aveiro, José Ribau Esteve, the city that hosted this year's celebrations.

The Navy, particularly knowledgeable in maritime surveillance, monitoring, and observation through Earth Observation and in-situ means, is one of the entities in this consortium. It contributes to two distinct areas: the definition of technical and operational requirements for the very high-resolution constellation, and the definition, validation, and demonstration of requirements and use cases for the Defense and Emergency vertical sectors on the Digital Planet data processing platform.

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