7 September, 2023

Coimbra Space Summer School 2023


The 9th edition of the Coimbra Space Summer School (CSSS) took place at the facilities of the Pedro Nunes Institute (IPN), in Coimbra, on September 6, 7 and 8. With 39 participants, this year's summer school also welcomed 18 international students from the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Planetary Geosciences - GeoPlanet, promoted in partnership by the Universities of Coimbra, Nantes (France) and Gabriele d'Annunzio di Chieti/Pescara (Italy).

CSSS is a summer school aimed at higher education students, researchers, entrepreneurs and anyone interested in exploring the space economy or who wants to develop a business idea that uses space technology for terrestrial applications. The event encourages participants to propose ideas that will improve life on Earth through the creation of innovative services or products that incorporate space resources.

This year we presented the work of GEOSAT to the participants, to introduce the new Earth observation technologies to solve the challenges proposed in the CSS. Finally, we had a lecture on the NewSpace Agenda and the PRRs on September 7th, entitled “The Future of Space”.

Next year will be the 10th edition of the Coimbra Space Summer School and we can't wait for it!

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