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Configuration and Demonstration of Services for the Atlantic


WP5 adopts a holistic approach to facilitate the effective application of the Atlantic Constellation, emphasising the configuration and demonstration of services in the Atlantic dimension. The work package comprises two key components: Firstly, a thorough business analysis is conducted to explore market needs for new ‘downstream’ applications. New business models are developed to assess the economic viability of data services and explore predictive concepts. Secondly, the focus shifts to the needs and requirements of business users, identifying a diverse range of users across different regions. Additionally, the work package examines how to unlock national and international business opportunities, studying the interconnections of Earth observation data to drive new market opportunities in various sectors.

Within WP5, concerted efforts are made to demonstrate constellation services, encompassing the efficient management of assets in four main fields through productive investments.

Collectively, these activities aim to position the Atlantic Constellation as a significant contributor to both the space and adjacent sectors. The overarching goal is to drive innovation and business opportunities, solidifying the constellation's role as a key player in shaping the future landscape of the space industry.

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